Textile artist Jessie Mordine Young is embarking on her most demanding project yet. For every day of 2023, she is creating something new as part of her A Weaving a Day (also called A Woven Year) project. That’s right—every day she comes up with a handcrafted weaving which she then shares on her Instagram.
This is an ambitious project—and I say that as someone embarking on their own year-long endeavor. Creating a composed weaving each day and sharing it with the world is a lot to take on, especially when you see how unique each piece looks.
I love the results of Jessie’s project so far. Her use of different thicknesses of yarn, in particular, is really eye-catching as it moves throughout the pieces in various ways.
See more of Jessie’s project on her Instagram. I know I’ll be following along this year!
The post A Weaving a Day Keeps Creativity at Play in an Ambitious Year-Long Project first appeared on Brown Paper Bag.